i was asked to do a layout plan for a newly proposed crane grabber at the bunker area....
saya xguna AutoCAD or Catia pun macam Pundak...
Tapi leh jgk draw...haaa...cane tuh???hikhik...
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Webware 100 Awards
in this space age, internet is an essential tools.
say it, from listening to music, watching movies and series, communicating,blogging, socialize and even dating...hahaha....
so, why don't we give some credits to the developer of various website by voting here.
p/s: jangan sibuk Pilihanraya Umum je...xde makna pun~~~ hahaha
say it, from listening to music, watching movies and series, communicating,blogging, socialize and even dating...hahaha....
so, why don't we give some credits to the developer of various website by voting here.
p/s: jangan sibuk Pilihanraya Umum je...xde makna pun~~~ hahaha
BLM Concept
cantek x BLM kalu wat cani???
xtaulaa kan bersungguh² ke x....
gaya macam bersungguh je...
(ketika dinner di D'santai)
Ayah: sape nak bayar nanti?
Mama: I la bayar dulu bulan², nanti dia dah kerja, dia sambung laaa....
WOW!! cam best je...
Mama, nak BLM mcm kat atas tu...plzzzz~~~~
D'santai...apekah itu??
Ape yg special sangat d'Santai ni???
Korang sume mesti tertanya² ape sbnrnye.
Aktiviti riadah ke...or mungkin jugak gig kecil²an.
Atau mungkin jugak sejenis kondominium kt kawasan elit shah alam.
Atau mungkin jugak ia hanya nama.
Baiklah D'santai ataupun D'santai Cafe ni merupakan sebuah restoran di seksyen 11 Shah Alam.
Bukan nak promote ape, tapi restoran ni menyajikan makanan yang sedap serta sesuai dengan harganye.
Last week aje, 3hari berturut² makan kat situ.
Jumaat detink ngan Pacek dinner kat situ. Menu ku, Santai Burger (ala² Old Timer Chili's).
RM6 je...murah n sedap also banyak.
Sabtu pulak minum petang bersama sue and yan. nothing special, just roti bakar bersama cucur udang.
Not bad jugak.
Akhir skali hari ahad, aku berjaya mengconvince family aku utk makan di sana.
Belasah western.
Menu kami hari itu,
Lamb chop, santai burger, salmon steak and pasta.
Semua berpuas hati and aku pun menarik nafas lega (xmo di blame if xsedap...hahaha)
Giler ah...3 hari berturut² tu aku labur duit kat D'santai. isk...
Sape² yang rasa nak gi sana can always contact me laaa...
I'allah xnyesal...hikhik...
Sabtu lepas jgk aku menghadirkan diri ke perkahwinan abang kepada Aripuddin.
Bertempat di Meru dan lebih tepat lagi Jalan Jambu (nama cannot go).
Makan stail kenduri biasalaaa..
Aku lanyak selagi boleh...
Seronok jumpa rakan² SMSS9903 neh...
Macam² cerita keluar.
Walaupun kita kdg² dah dgr byk kali cerita tu, tapi masih xjemu...
Itulah erti sebuah persahabatan kot.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! hikhik....
Ahad pulak misi memboling di MidValley.
Alip sebagai kapten pulak kali ni.
Alhamdulillah kali ni semua perancangan dapat dilaksanakan.
Pick-up Fasyan kat subang then tros shoot g MV.
Sampai sana kul 12 rendesvous with alip kak su and puyeng.
Had our lunch then go straigth to bowling.
The game was OK laa...
Not so outstanding (i'm not a good bowler..hahahaha).
Unfortunately i can't stay long bcoz need to lawat granny.
Rindu kat my nenek.
We had our minum petang with her than after maghrib we all balik.
Ouh...i need to search for drawings kat library laaa.....
Later i'll update ek...ahakx~~~
D'santai...apekah itu??
Ape yg special sangat d'Santai ni???
Korang sume mesti tertanya² ape sbnrnye.
Aktiviti riadah ke...or mungkin jugak gig kecil²an.
Atau mungkin jugak sejenis kondominium kt kawasan elit shah alam.
Atau mungkin jugak ia hanya nama.
Baiklah D'santai ataupun D'santai Cafe ni merupakan sebuah restoran di seksyen 11 Shah Alam.
Bukan nak promote ape, tapi restoran ni menyajikan makanan yang sedap serta sesuai dengan harganye.
Last week aje, 3hari berturut² makan kat situ.
Jumaat detink ngan Pacek dinner kat situ. Menu ku, Santai Burger (ala² Old Timer Chili's).
RM6 je...murah n sedap also banyak.
Sabtu pulak minum petang bersama sue and yan. nothing special, just roti bakar bersama cucur udang.
Not bad jugak.
Akhir skali hari ahad, aku berjaya mengconvince family aku utk makan di sana.
Belasah western.
Menu kami hari itu,
Lamb chop, santai burger, salmon steak and pasta.
Semua berpuas hati and aku pun menarik nafas lega (xmo di blame if xsedap...hahaha)
Giler ah...3 hari berturut² tu aku labur duit kat D'santai. isk...
Sape² yang rasa nak gi sana can always contact me laaa...
I'allah xnyesal...hikhik...
Sabtu lepas jgk aku menghadirkan diri ke perkahwinan abang kepada Aripuddin.
Bertempat di Meru dan lebih tepat lagi Jalan Jambu (nama cannot go).
Makan stail kenduri biasalaaa..
Aku lanyak selagi boleh...
Seronok jumpa rakan² SMSS9903 neh...
Macam² cerita keluar.
Walaupun kita kdg² dah dgr byk kali cerita tu, tapi masih xjemu...
Itulah erti sebuah persahabatan kot.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! hikhik....
Ahad pulak misi memboling di MidValley.
Alip sebagai kapten pulak kali ni.
Alhamdulillah kali ni semua perancangan dapat dilaksanakan.
Pick-up Fasyan kat subang then tros shoot g MV.
Sampai sana kul 12 rendesvous with alip kak su and puyeng.
Had our lunch then go straigth to bowling.
The game was OK laa...
Not so outstanding (i'm not a good bowler..hahahaha).
Unfortunately i can't stay long bcoz need to lawat granny.
Rindu kat my nenek.
We had our minum petang with her than after maghrib we all balik.
Ouh...i need to search for drawings kat library laaa.....
Later i'll update ek...ahakx~~~
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
good morning malaysia!!
its 9.09am and i am sitting at my place in the office.
dalam mulut mengunyah gula-gula.
kat depan mata ade kuih seri muka.
under my arms is a drawing of a rotary kiln.
under my fingers pulak ada keyboard di kala aku menaip blog ni.
jap lagi ade meeting.
mata sekarang tgh ngantuk.
tapi naseb baek perut kenyang.
one more day in Kualiti Alam...yeah~~
its 9.09am and i am sitting at my place in the office.
dalam mulut mengunyah gula-gula.
kat depan mata ade kuih seri muka.
under my arms is a drawing of a rotary kiln.
under my fingers pulak ada keyboard di kala aku menaip blog ni.
jap lagi ade meeting.
mata sekarang tgh ngantuk.
tapi naseb baek perut kenyang.
one more day in Kualiti Alam...yeah~~
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Kemana arah tuju Mu sebenarnye???
saya tertarik dgn berita yg dibaca di halaman ini....
P/S: Politik memang memeningkan kepala....
Beliau mendakwa amalan demokrasi diamalkan Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak betul kerana bukan seperti di Amerika Syarikat yang membenarkan rakyatnya melakukan tunjuk perasaan walaupun di depan bangunan Rumah Putih.saya paling tertarik dgn stanza yg di atas sana....cuba anda semua fikirkan....hikhik~
P/S: Politik memang memeningkan kepala....
Monday, February 18, 2008
Online akhirnya...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Hi all.
Although the story is already 1-week old, i still want to share with u all... last week i went to watch a drifting competition with fasyan and toyek (tq toyek for calling me up early in the morning). during that day, the weather was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! sun right on top of your head with the burning heat and the smell of the burning tyres and to be more grateful, i didnt bring any payung or cap that time...MARVELOUS!!! however, the passion to snap panning pictures was even hotter than the sun. using my beloved Fuji FinePix S602Z (fasyan's sri eton is much² better) i did managed to get some good shots. puas hati giler dapat amek panning pictures. lepas ni nak target F1 plak..sape mau ikut???hehehe...

xde pun kereta yang mahal²...yg decent pun ade laa sebijik Skyline and Sylvia... bnyk sume keta lama² tp yg lama² tu laa lagi power...myb kereta power ni sayang nak gasak kot...hehe....
Although the story is already 1-week old, i still want to share with u all... last week i went to watch a drifting competition with fasyan and toyek (tq toyek for calling me up early in the morning). during that day, the weather was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! sun right on top of your head with the burning heat and the smell of the burning tyres and to be more grateful, i didnt bring any payung or cap that time...MARVELOUS!!! however, the passion to snap panning pictures was even hotter than the sun. using my beloved Fuji FinePix S602Z (fasyan's sri eton is much² better) i did managed to get some good shots. puas hati giler dapat amek panning pictures. lepas ni nak target F1 plak..sape mau ikut???hehehe...

xde pun kereta yang mahal²...yg decent pun ade laa sebijik Skyline and Sylvia... bnyk sume keta lama² tp yg lama² tu laa lagi power...myb kereta power ni sayang nak gasak kot...hehe....
Hai semua...
tanggal 12tghari 13Feb08 lepas, PakLah berjaya menguraikan pertanyaan dan kesemakan di kepala otak setiap rakyat Malaysia terutama yg obses dan konfes terhadap politik dengan membubarkan Parlimen yg berumur hampir 5 tahun...xlama lagi mula la kita dpt lihat perang poster, perang mulut dan macm² jenis perang lagi (harap xdela sampai berbunuh² ye rakyat Malaysia sekalian) sebab kita semua akan membuang undi pada 8Mac ini.approximately 3 weeks left before the D-Day for all politicians and their followers.I'm very sure a lot of dramas can be watched for the next 3 weeks. Dramas by the unrated directors and producers (the politicians and reporters) surely an interesting things to watch.
Although i am not an obsess politics follower, i am very excited bout this coming general election coz this is the first time i'll be electing. orang kata baru cukup umur le.... just checked my eligibility and particulars about the DUN and Parliament area and the result is shown as below (hahaha...excited giler babeng...)
well...obviously, DUN Kota Anggerik and Parlimen Shah Alam.. layankan aje... i dun even noe who the candidates are. whoever it is i still believe with the one that can give benefits to all Malaysians. so remember guys, 8MAC 2008 kita sama² gegar tempat mengundi tuh...
tanggal 12tghari 13Feb08 lepas, PakLah berjaya menguraikan pertanyaan dan kesemakan di kepala otak setiap rakyat Malaysia terutama yg obses dan konfes terhadap politik dengan membubarkan Parlimen yg berumur hampir 5 tahun...xlama lagi mula la kita dpt lihat perang poster, perang mulut dan macm² jenis perang lagi (harap xdela sampai berbunuh² ye rakyat Malaysia sekalian) sebab kita semua akan membuang undi pada 8Mac ini.approximately 3 weeks left before the D-Day for all politicians and their followers.I'm very sure a lot of dramas can be watched for the next 3 weeks. Dramas by the unrated directors and producers (the politicians and reporters) surely an interesting things to watch.
Although i am not an obsess politics follower, i am very excited bout this coming general election coz this is the first time i'll be electing. orang kata baru cukup umur le.... just checked my eligibility and particulars about the DUN and Parliament area and the result is shown as below (hahaha...excited giler babeng...)

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Welcome back...
hooo...welcome back to blogging myself...long time no see everybody!!!!
life just turn very great recently...especially when my internship started around 2 months back. although the busy life was fixed from 8am-5pm (wasn't like when u were in UTP where u can sesuka hati je nk bgn tdo pukul berapa) but it is great. my colleagues in Kualiti Alam are very² helpful and since i am the only intern in the department, i am like anak emas yg ditatang bagai minyak yg penuh (but don't forget about the workload as well..haha..). they are willing to answer every questions that i asked and sometimes the explanations are beyond expectations as well..hohoho...very grateful to be attached at such promising company (although most of my friends thought it is a waste water treatment company macam INDAH WATER...sigh~~).
life just turn very great recently...especially when my internship started around 2 months back. although the busy life was fixed from 8am-5pm (wasn't like when u were in UTP where u can sesuka hati je nk bgn tdo pukul berapa) but it is great. my colleagues in Kualiti Alam are very² helpful and since i am the only intern in the department, i am like anak emas yg ditatang bagai minyak yg penuh (but don't forget about the workload as well..haha..). they are willing to answer every questions that i asked and sometimes the explanations are beyond expectations as well..hohoho...very grateful to be attached at such promising company (although most of my friends thought it is a waste water treatment company macam INDAH WATER...sigh~~).
"gambar terpaksa diremove atas sebab2 tertentu..harap maaf~~"
*the lovely incineration plant (hope u guys are more clear on what my business is)
well..thats all la for now...i'll try to update from time to time yah...chow~~
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