frankly speaking, ASYLUM 50 is the 1st theater that i watched in UTP. script wise, superb!! very slapstick... credit to Doc Shark for his wisdom to write such script. a script that is very updated with current issues...rise in toll fare, petroleum price, bribery, poverty, corruption among VIPs and authority...the list goes on.
however, in my humble opinion this play should improve more on technical aspects. the audio really need to improve. the queue for the music wasn't right...the lighting also need to improve a lot.maybe today some of the lights were not working for some technical reason (lampu meletup time rehearsal smlm...uhhh).
well...overall performance tonight was OK...the actors n actress really show their talent... a round of applause to aini, pacel, pot, zul, ucop, khairil, din and everybody that i may forget to mention their names.
and tomorrow all prepared for SASAU!!!!
p/s: picture is courtesy of JAZLIN ERNIDA... tq~

hoho. jmpe blog kong~ oit2, amek gmba dr blog aku... cehs. kredit weh kredit.. ;p
ahahaha...baek2...ku terlupa pulak mau kredit...sbntr ye cik alin~
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