Friday, February 15, 2008


Hai semua...

tanggal 12tghari 13Feb08 lepas, PakLah berjaya menguraikan pertanyaan dan kesemakan di kepala otak setiap rakyat Malaysia terutama yg obses dan konfes terhadap politik dengan membubarkan Parlimen yg berumur hampir 5 tahun...xlama lagi mula la kita dpt lihat perang poster, perang mulut dan macm² jenis perang lagi (harap xdela sampai berbunuh² ye rakyat Malaysia sekalian) sebab kita semua akan membuang undi pada 8Mac ini.approximately 3 weeks left before the D-Day for all politicians and their followers.I'm very sure a lot of dramas can be watched for the next 3 weeks. Dramas by the unrated directors and producers (the politicians and reporters) surely an interesting things to watch.

Although i am not an obsess politics follower, i am very excited bout this coming general election coz this is the first time i'll be electing. orang kata baru cukup umur le.... just checked my eligibility and particulars about the DUN and Parliament area and the result is shown as below (hahaha...excited giler babeng...)

well...obviously, DUN Kota Anggerik and Parlimen Shah Alam.. layankan aje... i dun even noe who the candidates are. whoever it is i still believe with the one that can give benefits to all Malaysians. so remember guys, 8MAC 2008 kita sama² gegar tempat mengundi tuh...



Unknown said...

huhu, aku tak mendaftar mengundi pon. huhu.. lupe lupe. ingatkan muda lagi :P

Dayana said...

camne nak daftar?

kuc1n993m0k said...

ape la deyna..mane bleh daftar lg..dah klua die nye voter list..u have to wait for 5 yrs more..hoho..demit
ak pon rase nyesal x daftar ngundi..ko aaa ni..x ajak ak g mendaftar...cis cis cis..
p/s: CAST UR VOTE BY VOTING TO CHANGE!!! ITS UR ONE LITLE VOTE THAT GONNA DETERMINE OUR FUTURE,OUR CHILDRENS' FUTURE AND THE REST OF THE MALAYSIANN.(btw..this is not a political campaign sponsored by any party..demit..takpat ngundi.ngaaaa)

Fariz Azhar said...

so aku yg daftar ngundi ni tua laa ye???

@toyek and deyna
menyesal dahulu pendapatan, menyesal kemudia tidak berguna...hahahahaha

Unknown said...

eh tak kate pon ko tua. haha. ko sedar diri tu tua kot, tu la ko mendaftar ;p

see see, kong sorg je ingat nak mendaftar :P hihi.