Hari ini 1st lab session for Air Pollution Engineering a.k.a APE
Allocated time is 4 hours (10am-2pm)
Sungguh tak sangka the experiments took longer time than what we expected
For my group, we did the experiment + maintainance & service works(Dr. Lau, please acknowledge us....hehehe)
Cleaning the filter bag, servicing the outlet air filter, unclog the pipeline...
Nasib baek xyah service air compressor...
If not...COMPLETED!!!!
Allocated time is 4 hours (10am-2pm)
Sungguh tak sangka the experiments took longer time than what we expected
For my group, we did the experiment + maintainance & service works(Dr. Lau, please acknowledge us....hehehe)
Cleaning the filter bag, servicing the outlet air filter, unclog the pipeline...
Nasib baek xyah service air compressor...
If not...COMPLETED!!!!
Perasan x kanak2 riang buat eksperimen???hahaha
Bila lagi nak picnic tepi lab
Dah final sem beb!!!
TQ to harith for the take away
Walaupun experiment xhabis lagi, atas budi bicara Dr. Lau dia suro diskas aje result yang ade
Dah pukul 6 lebih gak kot td
Memang mantap
Dah pukul 6 lebih gak kot td
Memang mantap
lab lab...
sungguh meletihkan..
sori ter pulang awl dr kamu2..
ingt kamu2 dah siap..
xpe2, aku dh cuci sume beaker.. hihi
gigih gile lab 8 jam...
aku kalau 2 jam lab koputer pung dah resah gelisah... apetah lagi 4, ataupun 8~!!!
respek ahhh korg engineers ni
tension je kan, semalam punya lama nak mam lab kite?
Tapi bile ingat balik n baca blog ko n zeti, terasa cam best a plak.
aku sampai migrain kot weh! agagaga!
tapi, bersediakah kita untuk menghadapi lab lagi 2 minggu berikutnya ni?
pergh 8 jam. macam dah lab untuk FYP plak.
mmg gile la lab ni..
isk,nape x nmpk muke aku dlm gmba tu.huh!
yea..next week sape plak nk g tapau byk2? aku x dpt a..hahaha
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