Sunday, August 16, 2009

Officially Graduated

After 4 years of strive and hardwork (yeke??)

I am officially a chemical engineering graduate

What's next?

with acap, the guy who always seat in front of me during exam

some of the Kuda Lauts, the memories together will remain

Ayah and Mama, thanx a lot!!!

Little sisters, thanx for the support (ada ke?? hahaha, kidding)

Great friends


smoOchie poO said...

one pic only...??
c'mon kong...we want more..more n more!!! :P

Ameirul Azraie Bin Mustadza said...

Handsome la Abang Kong! :p

Mohd Nurul Amin said...

kuda laut foreva. KONGratz to u