Saturday, September 8, 2007
Trima Kasih OAG!!!
setelah kempunan nk tgk OAG perform kt UTP time hotlink youth tour aritu, rs terkilan tu terubat gak lps tgk derang perform kt KDU td. OAG dijemput sbg artis undangan utk malam kebudayaan melayu kt sn...what makes me went there???hahaha...it was my sister AMY who is the organizing committee..i brought along m y frenz, pacek,fariz german,yan,fadz and nelly. all of us was really overjoyed by the magnificent performance fro OAG... radhi... you rock man!!!!
p/s: I shook hand with radhi...for the 2nd time...hahahahahha!!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Test di Ambang Merdeka
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Close Shave & Long Haul~
part 1 - close shave.
kuar g dinner tadi 2x aku hampir accident. sekali nk bertembung kereta yg tgh reverse while aku pun reverse.naseb baek nabe n mang sempat jerit suro brake.if not ASSALAMUALAIKUM laaa...huhuhuhu..
tapak kejadian: depan bank islam taman maju.
2nd punya insiden hmpr berlanggar dgn kereta depan yg terpaksa brake mengejut sebab ade trailer xlepas nk masuk turn.punyelaa sengal nye...aku membrake emergency smp tayar bny SCREEECH!!!! (xde ABS la katakan)
tapak kejadian: lepas traffic light UTP.
alhamdulillah xde ape2 yg berlaku tadi sbb aku msh bole engupdate blog neh..huhuhuh~

part 2 - long haul.
Esaimen Process Plant Design yg due esok baru tgk mlm ni.(keje last minit lagi farizz??!!) soalan dia simple aje tp kerana co-relation yg diberikan dlm slide adalah silap maka jadikla kes effeciency more than 1 (gile hebat distillation column tu smp effeciency dia lebey 1). Setelah merujuk sifu2 dan buku teks yg monokrom itu segala permasalahan dapat diselesaikan. trima kaseh byk yg xterhingga kepada deyna dan atek kerana membantu dlm menyiapkan so called 2nd assignment neh. sekarang sudah ngantok n mau tido...waaaa..NYTE~
kuar g dinner tadi 2x aku hampir accident. sekali nk bertembung kereta yg tgh reverse while aku pun reverse.naseb baek nabe n mang sempat jerit suro brake.if not ASSALAMUALAIKUM laaa...huhuhuhu..
tapak kejadian: depan bank islam taman maju.
2nd punya insiden hmpr berlanggar dgn kereta depan yg terpaksa brake mengejut sebab ade trailer xlepas nk masuk turn.punyelaa sengal nye...aku membrake emergency smp tayar bny SCREEECH!!!! (xde ABS la katakan)
tapak kejadian: lepas traffic light UTP.
alhamdulillah xde ape2 yg berlaku tadi sbb aku msh bole engupdate blog neh..huhuhuh~

part 2 - long haul.
Esaimen Process Plant Design yg due esok baru tgk mlm ni.(keje last minit lagi farizz??!!) soalan dia simple aje tp kerana co-relation yg diberikan dlm slide adalah silap maka jadikla kes effeciency more than 1 (gile hebat distillation column tu smp effeciency dia lebey 1). Setelah merujuk sifu2 dan buku teks yg monokrom itu segala permasalahan dapat diselesaikan. trima kaseh byk yg xterhingga kepada deyna dan atek kerana membantu dlm menyiapkan so called 2nd assignment neh. sekarang sudah ngantok n mau tido...waaaa..NYTE~
Monday, August 27, 2007
Mendung Berarak Lesu~
Berakhir sudah convofair2007.spt biasa, g food hunting td n adela pulak org offer nk bg makanan harga special, smp2 stall je rupanye dh abes..huhuhu..xpela kot..kalu ngn org xyah harga special,dh untung sket di situ...muakakakka...xde rezeki kot nk dpt murah..hikhik...
hari nak hujan laa...angin sepoi2 bahasa bertiup masuk dlm bilik...suasana dlm bilik yg hanya diterangi lampu stadi membuatkan aku rs bagai mahu melelapkan mata...walaupun buku transport phenomena terbentang kt dpn mata,hny bahagian newton's law je br revise..haih sengal sungguh insan ini..padahal ari kamis ni test...xsedo2 diri lagik ke fariz oiii??!!!kata nk dpt dean's list (hahahahaha)
lagu kat bawah ni aku nk tujukan khas buat kekasih...moga2 hebat dan sehat selalu....chaiyokkk!!!(ni pengaruh PAK RAMLI la neh)
hari nak hujan laa...angin sepoi2 bahasa bertiup masuk dlm bilik...suasana dlm bilik yg hanya diterangi lampu stadi membuatkan aku rs bagai mahu melelapkan mata...walaupun buku transport phenomena terbentang kt dpn mata,hny bahagian newton's law je br revise..haih sengal sungguh insan ini..padahal ari kamis ni test...xsedo2 diri lagik ke fariz oiii??!!!kata nk dpt dean's list (hahahahaha)
lagu kat bawah ni aku nk tujukan khas buat kekasih...moga2 hebat dan sehat selalu....chaiyokkk!!!(ni pengaruh PAK RAMLI la neh)
Andainya aku bertanya
Padamu tentang bahagia
Di mana nilai setia
Di manakah puncak cinta
Mahukah engkau mengerti
Harapan serupa mimpi
Ianya dapat terjadi
Atau hilang tak berganti
Sejarah mengajar kita
Menjadi lebih dewasa
Meniti arus angkara
Lupakan kisah yang lalu
Teguhkan tugu imanmu
Doaku buat kekasih
Yang dulu usah dirindu
Hilangkanlah dari hatimu
Doaku buatmu kekasih
Yang dulu usah dirindu
Hilangkanlah dari hatimu
Doaku buatmu kekasih
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Convofair 2007 kembali lagi~
Wah...lama gile xupdate kan??berapa bulan dah...mmg xleh thn..bkn hape, just xde masa nk update.busy ngn macam2 benda...laenla mcm encikpundak, ade je masa dia nk update blog dia tuh...mn ntah dia jumpa masa tu...gali2 tanah pastu dpt kot..kalu la gali tanah dpt jumpa masa kn best...mmg aku gali je tanah tu...tpp, gali2 neh buang masa gak kn...dari aku gali baek aku wat bnd2 yg lebih berfaedah...mcm...update blog ni ke...HAHAHAHAHA
well...skrg ni musim sakit..rmi mmbr2 aku yg xsehat.batokla,selesema la,demam laa.and for me, aku skrg adela batok2 sket.batok2 ayam org tua2 kata...mcm ayam batok..alaa..xkn xpnh dgr ayam batok..hikhik..tg lps zohor kt kampung2 nnt mst dgr ayam batok...siyes xtipu.
kat UTP skrg tgh giat convofair.tahun neh 4 hari tau...bese2nye 3hari je.ni kes sbb mahathir xdpt dtg ari ahad, so ari senin laa baru dia dpt bagi scroll kat abg2 n kakak2 yg dh grad tuh.maka olehnye,convofair juga dibuat smp ari senin.ngaaa~ (makin lama convofair makin byk ler duit yg mengalir keluar).well, as usual everytime convofair je mst hujan (ni kes ade Rakan kita yg mintak hujan spjg minggu konon xmo konsert berlangsung). so, apelagi...membajak sawah laa seperti biasa.seluar jeans aku mmg terpaksa berkorban la demi utk aku mengalas perut di convosquare.sian btol sluar jeans aku terpaksa bersusah payah mengharung lecak n selut (dahla bau taik lembu) demi utk tuannye mengalas perut yg besar ini.dari segi gerai, aku rs tahun ni best coz ade pizzahut besides gerai2 yg wajib ada ketika convofair seperti ayam golek madu n a&w. xdilupakan jugak pada tahun ni, ramai member2 aku juga menceburkan diri dalam bidang bisnes di tapak konvo. salman,hayy,alan n rakan2 menceburkan diri dalam bidang ice-blended. the taste mmg leh tahan jgk lagi2 salman yg buat..hahahaha..ade cappucino, chocolate n vanilla. mmg xmiss pny la singgah kat gerai derang neh (di samping menunggu masa utk pau). xlupa jugak kpd geng2 chemy (fiera,faid,cj,ayin,ieja,deyna,suzi,aini dan lain2) yg sgt bertungkus-lumus utk menjayakan booth mereka.nasik lemak kukus derang mmmg ade klas...rs skali nak lagi tuh.mmg best la!!!jom datang kawan2...lawat booth mereka and sapotla member2 kita tuh...
another most memorable moment was watching RAMLI SARIP live yesterday.PAK RAMLI mmg rock habes...dgn suaranye yg serak2 basah mmg memukau setiap kami yg hadir.to my amazement,cina pun layan sing along lagu PAK RAMLI neh...menunjukkan betapa hebatnye papa rock kita neh.wpun tali gtar beliau putus ketika lagu pertama lagi, dia tetap cool n kata "kita org Malaysia xleh mudah patah semangat,biar patah tulang jgn patah semangat!!!"5 lagu mlm smlm rs mcm xcukup je n sedihnye sorakan en core kami xdilayan oleh PAK RAMLI tp menamatkan show mlm tu dgn laungan 3x MERDEKA!!!! yeah~ i like it so much... mlm ni Adam AF2 dtg...y Adam???adess...xleh ke prg len mcm Jay Jay or Adibah Noor(eh, Rakan sy kata pompuan xleh atas stage..hikhik).well, tgkla ape jadi mlm ni..dak2 pompuan mst suka Adam dtg...ah ha xtau!!!!isk2... well, kita tunggu~
well...skrg ni musim sakit..rmi mmbr2 aku yg xsehat.batokla,selesema la,demam laa.and for me, aku skrg adela batok2 sket.batok2 ayam org tua2 kata...mcm ayam batok..alaa..xkn xpnh dgr ayam batok..hikhik..tg lps zohor kt kampung2 nnt mst dgr ayam batok...siyes xtipu.
kat UTP skrg tgh giat convofair.tahun neh 4 hari tau...bese2nye 3hari je.ni kes sbb mahathir xdpt dtg ari ahad, so ari senin laa baru dia dpt bagi scroll kat abg2 n kakak2 yg dh grad tuh.maka olehnye,convofair juga dibuat smp ari senin.ngaaa~ (makin lama convofair makin byk ler duit yg mengalir keluar).well, as usual everytime convofair je mst hujan (ni kes ade Rakan kita yg mintak hujan spjg minggu konon xmo konsert berlangsung). so, apelagi...membajak sawah laa seperti biasa.seluar jeans aku mmg terpaksa berkorban la demi utk aku mengalas perut di convosquare.sian btol sluar jeans aku terpaksa bersusah payah mengharung lecak n selut (dahla bau taik lembu) demi utk tuannye mengalas perut yg besar ini.dari segi gerai, aku rs tahun ni best coz ade pizzahut besides gerai2 yg wajib ada ketika convofair seperti ayam golek madu n a&w. xdilupakan jugak pada tahun ni, ramai member2 aku juga menceburkan diri dalam bidang bisnes di tapak konvo. salman,hayy,alan n rakan2 menceburkan diri dalam bidang ice-blended. the taste mmg leh tahan jgk lagi2 salman yg buat..hahahaha..ade cappucino, chocolate n vanilla. mmg xmiss pny la singgah kat gerai derang neh (di samping menunggu masa utk pau). xlupa jugak kpd geng2 chemy (fiera,faid,cj,ayin,ieja,deyna,suzi,aini dan lain2) yg sgt bertungkus-lumus utk menjayakan booth mereka.nasik lemak kukus derang mmmg ade klas...rs skali nak lagi tuh.mmg best la!!!jom datang kawan2...lawat booth mereka and sapotla member2 kita tuh...
another most memorable moment was watching RAMLI SARIP live yesterday.PAK RAMLI mmg rock habes...dgn suaranye yg serak2 basah mmg memukau setiap kami yg hadir.to my amazement,cina pun layan sing along lagu PAK RAMLI neh...menunjukkan betapa hebatnye papa rock kita neh.wpun tali gtar beliau putus ketika lagu pertama lagi, dia tetap cool n kata "kita org Malaysia xleh mudah patah semangat,biar patah tulang jgn patah semangat!!!"5 lagu mlm smlm rs mcm xcukup je n sedihnye sorakan en core kami xdilayan oleh PAK RAMLI tp menamatkan show mlm tu dgn laungan 3x MERDEKA!!!! yeah~ i like it so much... mlm ni Adam AF2 dtg...y Adam???adess...xleh ke prg len mcm Jay Jay or Adibah Noor(eh, Rakan sy kata pompuan xleh atas stage..hikhik).well, tgkla ape jadi mlm ni..dak2 pompuan mst suka Adam dtg...ah ha xtau!!!!isk2... well, kita tunggu~
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
::it's tragedy...I AM DOOMED!!!!::
uwahhh...my hardisk wiped off last nite...it all happened for less than 10minutes.its all gone...all my notes,my projects, all the events' data, worthless pictures, musics.....all GONE!!!!! it just like a nightmare... i just wanted to format the system drive and i dont know what happened to the windows setup disk and it happened that the whole HD was formatted....
its kinda hard for me to accept the fact that ITS GONE!!!!!! why??? why??? why now??? uwaaaaaaaaaa
its kinda hard for me to accept the fact that ITS GONE!!!!!! why??? why??? why now??? uwaaaaaaaaaa
Thursday, June 7, 2007
::Sayur-sayuran di Ampang Bowl Flamingo::
"STRIKE!!!" (X)
"SPARE!!!"(/) "
"GUTTER BALL!!!!!!!!!"(????)
Aku gi maen bowling aritu kat Hotel Flamingo Ampang. Saje xde keje nak buat n alip lak leh tiba² ajak.aku on je la. ahli² bowling pada hari tu is aku, alip, fasyan and ieja. nak ajak ramai lagik tp bole plak otak jam xhingat nk ajak sape.4 org sudey...
seperti yang dijanji kan kami berempat bergerak la ke Ampang setelah mengangkut alip dari rumah beliau. kami bercadang nak main 4 game..wahh..mau pancit gitu tp aku tabahkan hati. dhla lama xbersukan kan, tiba2 lenjan 4 game tros...akibatnye, smp arini sengal²...gile tua weihh...
out of 4games, aku 3 game jadi sayur...ieja pun menang ngan aku..walaupun kita satu team kn ieja kn???ahahha...team aku pun kalah...mana aci, fasyan ngn alip satu team...dua² hebat..ieja maen pun bley tahan jgk...kena maen slalu ni baru bley challenge fasyan..ahahahaha...
coz xde sape bwk kamera, maka xdela detik2 indah disana...uhh.. chioW~
"SPARE!!!"(/) "
"GUTTER BALL!!!!!!!!!"(????)
Aku gi maen bowling aritu kat Hotel Flamingo Ampang. Saje xde keje nak buat n alip lak leh tiba² ajak.aku on je la. ahli² bowling pada hari tu is aku, alip, fasyan and ieja. nak ajak ramai lagik tp bole plak otak jam xhingat nk ajak sape.4 org sudey...
seperti yang dijanji kan kami berempat bergerak la ke Ampang setelah mengangkut alip dari rumah beliau. kami bercadang nak main 4 game..wahh..mau pancit gitu tp aku tabahkan hati. dhla lama xbersukan kan, tiba2 lenjan 4 game tros...akibatnye, smp arini sengal²...gile tua weihh...
out of 4games, aku 3 game jadi sayur...ieja pun menang ngan aku..walaupun kita satu team kn ieja kn???ahahha...team aku pun kalah...mana aci, fasyan ngn alip satu team...dua² hebat..ieja maen pun bley tahan jgk...kena maen slalu ni baru bley challenge fasyan..ahahahaha...
coz xde sape bwk kamera, maka xdela detik2 indah disana...uhh.. chioW~
Sunday, June 3, 2007
::Happy Birthday To Me::
"Happy Birthday To You"....
well, i might say "happy birthday to me" kot... yesterday, 2nd june 2007 was my 21st birthday. yup..i am 21 year-old folk already. to many people, being a 21er means a lot. oo yeah, know why??? 21 is the magic age where your will have access to everything. you can enter clubs legally, having "bottom up" legally, to gamble legally, tho have access to any "websites" legally and one of the most important thing in my country is u are eligible to take part in the General Election (i can't wait to register with SPR..huhuhu).
well, to be 1 year older i might also hope to be 1 year wiser. more rationale in making decisions and more cautious in venturing into things. voila... bye² 20 year-old and welcome 21 year-old.
well, i might say "happy birthday to me" kot... yesterday, 2nd june 2007 was my 21st birthday. yup..i am 21 year-old folk already. to many people, being a 21er means a lot. oo yeah, know why??? 21 is the magic age where your will have access to everything. you can enter clubs legally, having "bottom up" legally, to gamble legally, tho have access to any "websites" legally and one of the most important thing in my country is u are eligible to take part in the General Election (i can't wait to register with SPR..huhuhu).
well, to be 1 year older i might also hope to be 1 year wiser. more rationale in making decisions and more cautious in venturing into things. voila... bye² 20 year-old and welcome 21 year-old.
Friday, June 1, 2007
::1 minggu cuti::
fuhh!!! arini leh kata genap la seminggu aku menamatkan semester jan'07. huhuhu..dh masuk third year dah rupanye.lagi 2tahun blajar then dpt degree pastu kerje.pas kerje nak watpelak eh??huhuhu...
ari isnin aritu g UKM tgk Robocon. UTP gagal melangkah ke peringkat akhir walaupun menghantar 3 team. cian gak mereka² ni. xpela,maybe ade la tu salah dimana² kan? ehehe...next year cuba lagi.tiap² tahun ade robocon ni.ahahahaha...

pastu semalam ari khamis ade org dtg amek gmbr umah. umah aku jadi wakil untuk Laman Sanur for TTDI development masuk pertandingan developers. cayalah...umah aku gak jadi pilihan...dhla bagitau last minit, mau xgelabah mengemas.tgh2 breakfast tiba² mama gtau ade org nk dtg amek gambar. seb baek emergency response kami sume sentiasa berada di tahap bersedia. syukur org² TTDI satisfied dgn our house.huhuhu...
and semalam gak adalah hari mama masak². mcm² dia masak semalam. yelakan, amy dh nak masuk kolej..bykla bnd yang mak datin tu mintak..hahahaha..jgn marah amy,nnt tua... well, good for her to ask bcoz akupun dapat makan skali..ngeee. smlm mama masak pulut mangga, masak lemak ketam n ketupat palas. uhhh...sedap btol....
arini aku melangut je kat umah coz amy mama n eela pegi KL.amy nak amek result medical check up dia.bangun pun lambat td so decide xmo ikut.ahahaha... esok aku dah nak 21tahun.. ades...pantas btol masa berlalu....
ari isnin aritu g UKM tgk Robocon. UTP gagal melangkah ke peringkat akhir walaupun menghantar 3 team. cian gak mereka² ni. xpela,maybe ade la tu salah dimana² kan? ehehe...next year cuba lagi.tiap² tahun ade robocon ni.ahahahaha...

and semalam gak adalah hari mama masak². mcm² dia masak semalam. yelakan, amy dh nak masuk kolej..bykla bnd yang mak datin tu mintak..hahahaha..jgn marah amy,nnt tua... well, good for her to ask bcoz akupun dapat makan skali..ngeee. smlm mama masak pulut mangga, masak lemak ketam n ketupat palas. uhhh...sedap btol....
arini aku melangut je kat umah coz amy mama n eela pegi KL.amy nak amek result medical check up dia.bangun pun lambat td so decide xmo ikut.ahahaha... esok aku dah nak 21tahun.. ades...pantas btol masa berlalu....
Friday, May 25, 2007
Sayonara Jan'07~
"u can leave the hall"
YEAY!!!! just now was my last paper..Reaction Engineering and its a milestone for the ending of my 2nd year. gone through a lot this semester i guess.a lot of events, a lot of memories...hurmm...sweet n bitter..ngehehehe~ xtau nak ckp pe sbnrnye...excited!! ahahaha~
mula² skali "a night with KRU production". sbnrnye xsengaja pun terjoin event tuh. as floor usher je pun...not as committee..
special request from syuhada, aku n najib pun mnjd sukarelawan la utk mmbantu event tersebut...event mmg best sbb KRU dtg...org laen kn bayar RM5, aku free² je masuk tgk CicakMan, jumpa KRU...ngahaha... actually it was a part of KRU pny tour ke universiti² for them to promote CGI techniques. memandangkan UTP ni xdela org yang btol amek course creative multimedia, most of them pegi just for fun.for the sake of learning je.org² sekitar Tronoh pun turun gak.yela, dgr cter, dak² PnP promote merata² event neh...manela x ramai yg datang..ye x??dat vent was succesful..tq to syuhada again for giving me opportunity to participate in such glorious event...ngehehe..
tamatla satu acara...bbrp hari lps tu before cuti midsem...aku dpt lak satu lagi pesanan teks ringkas ataupun SMS secara akronimnye..bunyinye lebih kurang beginila:
balik² TB tros start blaja. ade rest 2 hari je kot. ade testla, kuiz la, dgn lab yg byk itu. and pada masa yg sama jgk, aku sebagai head sponsor for halal haram talkshow sudah kena mula buat kerja.keje yg dah lagging seminggu mmg kn push la. walaupun event tu byk kali kn tukar date, tp mmg tukar2 date tu satu hikmah gak la sbb dlm postpone² tu la smpt deal ngn sponsor. thanx to all my komiti member, didie,ninie, anas, ah chai n sume hicom n komiti event, cupi,filzah,tim, una,alamin,hilmie,wafi, rashid, arep n ramai lagi la for making the event a memorable one.
this sem also i tried for a new kind of experience by joining EduCamp.and sedang elok plak amy kn dtg UTP for interview.huhuhu..dapatla membantu sedikit sbnyk..xtaula sket ke byk...kn tny amy la...huahahaha...i need to do logistic works. hntr kertas mahjong, stationeries, tampal list nama, n kdg2 tu kn hantar org lagi. mmg versatile la bdk² logistic neh.sume keje ;eh buat.hahaha... n mostly mmg sume satu kepala. maarof, anas jerlung, nisa', and aishah...korang sume mmg best.
Euphonious kembali lagi pd sem Jan'07 ni...so, spt biasa, AWAKEN menyertainye n mcm sem lps, kami hny di preliminary sahaja. bkn nak kata kami maen xbaguz, mmg diakui band² yang layak ke Final sume band² yg baguz.futhermore, hud n eena layak gak g final.my bandmates tuh...ahaha..for this year AWAKEN main lagu Sweet Child O'Mine and Iris from Goo² Dolls. mnrk n sounds great, tp kurang energetic bak kt judges. mungkin kerana attitude kami yg agak skema mnybabkan kestatikan diri itu terserlah dgn nyatanya..ahahahaha!!!!
one of the best moment this sem is winning THE BEST HOUSE AWARD for MAKK. sume usaha n keringat yg dikerahkan mmg berbaloi. y gbestnye, sume semangat hias rumah. lagi² time evaluation, adela satu bilik ni mmgla mcm stor, tp on dat day itself, bilik dia mengalahkan bilik org lain kemasnye...mmg aku respek la mereka² tu.myb bkn xleh or xreti nak kemas, jz xde masa yg cukup je nk jdkan bilik derang tu kemas selalu...kn²?
then, sebagai penutup bicara setiap semester, final exam pun menjelmalah!!! sume org berdebar² mcm beruang baru keluar sangkar.ahahaha... secara umumnye, 2paper mmg susah n the other tu kira leh handle lagik la...aku dah try yg terbaik n sekarang ni hanya menunggu yang terbaik ajela..ahahaha... lama btol aku tulis post ni. dari abes exam jumaat lps smp jumaat ni baru aku post btol².seminggu beb..xleh tahan..ahahaha...
well again, sayonara jan'07 and looking forward to have another awesome semester in july'07.
YEAY!!!! just now was my last paper..Reaction Engineering and its a milestone for the ending of my 2nd year. gone through a lot this semester i guess.a lot of events, a lot of memories...hurmm...sweet n bitter..ngehehehe~ xtau nak ckp pe sbnrnye...excited!! ahahaha~
mula² skali "a night with KRU production". sbnrnye xsengaja pun terjoin event tuh. as floor usher je pun...not as committee..
special request from syuhada, aku n najib pun mnjd sukarelawan la utk mmbantu event tersebut...event mmg best sbb KRU dtg...org laen kn bayar RM5, aku free² je masuk tgk CicakMan, jumpa KRU...ngahaha... actually it was a part of KRU pny tour ke universiti² for them to promote CGI techniques. memandangkan UTP ni xdela org yang btol amek course creative multimedia, most of them pegi just for fun.for the sake of learning je.org² sekitar Tronoh pun turun gak.yela, dgr cter, dak² PnP promote merata² event neh...manela x ramai yg datang..ye x??dat vent was succesful..tq to syuhada again for giving me opportunity to participate in such glorious event...ngehehe..
tamatla satu acara...bbrp hari lps tu before cuti midsem...aku dpt lak satu lagi pesanan teks ringkas ataupun SMS secara akronimnye..bunyinye lebih kurang beginila:
"tahniah!!!anda telah dipilih mnjadi salah seorg fasilitator utk Program Titian Budi di Kuala Kedah.sila balas jika anda berminat"terkejut jgk dipanggil last² menet gtu...lagi 2 hari kot derang nak bertolak dah time tuh...nampak sgt tgh kabut carik org..huhuh...well, at 1st aku ade gak g interview utk jadi facee tp xdpt.keciwa gak ahh time tu...tgk² dia panggil lak.dh la xyah wat keje before this,tros je dapat pegi. arep bos yg awal² dulu kn rejek pun dipanggil balik join.ade geng..pelagi...bagai musang terjumpa ayam betina,aku terosla terkam tawaran tuh.walaupun mcm dh janji ngn mama nk blk, terpaksa la cancel last minit.shian mama~ huhuhuhu... 1week kat kuala kedah mmgla sgt best. mcm² pengalaman yg aku dpt. ayah angkat aku tauke ikan.maka, hari² mkn seafood.huhuhu.. satu family ngn arip bos, boston ngan aiman.sume bdn semangat². mmg jenuhla family angkat kitorang bg makan.hahahaha~ mmg satu memori yg indah utk dipahatkan dlm hidup ni. TB07 memang best!!!
balik² TB tros start blaja. ade rest 2 hari je kot. ade testla, kuiz la, dgn lab yg byk itu. and pada masa yg sama jgk, aku sebagai head sponsor for halal haram talkshow sudah kena mula buat kerja.keje yg dah lagging seminggu mmg kn push la. walaupun event tu byk kali kn tukar date, tp mmg tukar2 date tu satu hikmah gak la sbb dlm postpone² tu la smpt deal ngn sponsor. thanx to all my komiti member, didie,ninie, anas, ah chai n sume hicom n komiti event, cupi,filzah,tim, una,alamin,hilmie,wafi, rashid, arep n ramai lagi la for making the event a memorable one.
this sem also i tried for a new kind of experience by joining EduCamp.and sedang elok plak amy kn dtg UTP for interview.huhuhu..dapatla membantu sedikit sbnyk..xtaula sket ke byk...kn tny amy la...huahahaha...i need to do logistic works. hntr kertas mahjong, stationeries, tampal list nama, n kdg2 tu kn hantar org lagi. mmg versatile la bdk² logistic neh.sume keje ;eh buat.hahaha... n mostly mmg sume satu kepala. maarof, anas jerlung, nisa', and aishah...korang sume mmg best.
Euphonious kembali lagi pd sem Jan'07 ni...so, spt biasa, AWAKEN menyertainye n mcm sem lps, kami hny di preliminary sahaja. bkn nak kata kami maen xbaguz, mmg diakui band² yang layak ke Final sume band² yg baguz.futhermore, hud n eena layak gak g final.my bandmates tuh...ahaha..for this year AWAKEN main lagu Sweet Child O'Mine and Iris from Goo² Dolls. mnrk n sounds great, tp kurang energetic bak kt judges. mungkin kerana attitude kami yg agak skema mnybabkan kestatikan diri itu terserlah dgn nyatanya..ahahahaha!!!!
one of the best moment this sem is winning THE BEST HOUSE AWARD for MAKK. sume usaha n keringat yg dikerahkan mmg berbaloi. y gbestnye, sume semangat hias rumah. lagi² time evaluation, adela satu bilik ni mmgla mcm stor, tp on dat day itself, bilik dia mengalahkan bilik org lain kemasnye...mmg aku respek la mereka² tu.myb bkn xleh or xreti nak kemas, jz xde masa yg cukup je nk jdkan bilik derang tu kemas selalu...kn²?
then, sebagai penutup bicara setiap semester, final exam pun menjelmalah!!! sume org berdebar² mcm beruang baru keluar sangkar.ahahaha... secara umumnye, 2paper mmg susah n the other tu kira leh handle lagik la...aku dah try yg terbaik n sekarang ni hanya menunggu yang terbaik ajela..ahahaha... lama btol aku tulis post ni. dari abes exam jumaat lps smp jumaat ni baru aku post btol².seminggu beb..xleh tahan..ahahaha...
well again, sayonara jan'07 and looking forward to have another awesome semester in july'07.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
What Is My Element?
Your Element Is Air |
![]() You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world. And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly. Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life. You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful. You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person. With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! |
What My Birthdate Mean?
My Birthdate: June 2 |
![]() You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense. You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends. Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone. Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive. Your strength: Your universal compassion Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings Your power color: Mauve Your power symbol: Butterfly Your power month: February |
Friday, May 11, 2007
Sturdy Study Week
Wahsai...udah lama tidak ngepost...di kala pagi yg indah ini terasa ingin mencoret keyboard sepatah dua kata...segar n nyaman btol pagi2 ni kan. udara dia mmg segar. lama dh xnikmati pagi yg damai gini. yela, semenjak dua menjak ni mcm burung hantu je keje nye. tdo xmo lewat pulak kn.bgn subuh kejap je tros tdo blk. sedar2 je dah lunch.mane ade segar pagi dah. ni pun XTIDO sbb alin (fadzlina) melayan aku chat kt YM td. if not, mmg another "lunch time morning" la...
Demam final exam mmg sedang memuncak skrg ni. yela, dah masuk sturdy week la katakan. sume bz stadi. IRC yg jarang skali penuh sudahpun dipenuhi oleh manusia² yg masih belom terlambat sedar (akupun tergolong gak ahh...). masyuk gak study kt library neh. tp yg peliknye, sume org komplen sejuk and ada siap suro aku bawak sweater lagik. tp aku rs ok je.nak kata sbb aku besar, fasyan yg lagi besar dari akupun kesejukan...mengapa ye???ade sorang mmbr aku ni (nabil) tros hangin bile aku kata aku xperlukan sweater. trosnye dia tukar status aku kt YM senyap²...punya la keji...kejadahnye la bebe neh...?akupun kompius. tp nak wat cane...? aku redha je...hny Dia je yg mampu membalas...HAHAHAHAHA~ (ayat emo utk bebe)
Back to final exam...aku ade 5 paper this sem:
Demam final exam mmg sedang memuncak skrg ni. yela, dah masuk sturdy week la katakan. sume bz stadi. IRC yg jarang skali penuh sudahpun dipenuhi oleh manusia² yg masih belom terlambat sedar (akupun tergolong gak ahh...). masyuk gak study kt library neh. tp yg peliknye, sume org komplen sejuk and ada siap suro aku bawak sweater lagik. tp aku rs ok je.nak kata sbb aku besar, fasyan yg lagi besar dari akupun kesejukan...mengapa ye???ade sorang mmbr aku ni (nabil) tros hangin bile aku kata aku xperlukan sweater. trosnye dia tukar status aku kt YM senyap²...punya la keji...kejadahnye la bebe neh...?akupun kompius. tp nak wat cane...? aku redha je...hny Dia je yg mampu membalas...HAHAHAHAHA~ (ayat emo utk bebe)
Back to final exam...aku ade 5 paper this sem:
- Prob. & Stats.
- Process Safety
- Process Instrumentation
- Separation Process 2
- Reaction Engineering
Saturday, April 28, 2007
M.A.K.K 8

- 4 cold and hot platter.
- tom yam soup
- sesame chicken
- braised beancurd, mushroom and broccoli
- deep fried garoupa fish (picture)
- fried rice with salted fish n dried shrimp
- longan and red jelly cocktail
and to add more spice to that night event, my house, V3e-S1 won the best house award...wow... amazingly amazing...agagaga...i know we deserve to win...wanna noe why?? we put all effort and money to decorate the house for our own good...and the result, a cozier house and an award. not bad what??? wakakakaka~
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
mari menSASAUkan diri
SASAU is a theater play written by Late Hashim Yassin,a national writer...it is a story on conflicts between writer and artist. both of them (Dima the artist and Mura Apandi the writer) wanted to prove that each of them is a better person,in a better path... Dima claimed that his drawing could give more photographic view of the message that he wants to convey...however, Mura said that a drawing without proper "writing"(description) could lead to misinterpretation of the drawing itself. Dima also blame Mura Apandi for writing exaggeratedly and abusing the readers' emotions. Dima ended up killing Mura Apandi and his GF Salina...huhuhuhu...
uwahhhhh!!!!heavy eh??? for theater lover, the storyline might be normal but for the newbies,it maybe hard to understand at first...a lot of technical techniques were used during the performance...the musics and the colour of lights indicates the mood of the scene..although there were some misqueue (lights and musics), the technical team (MEDTECH and Nuzul) did a great job not to make it too obvious...credit to them...Hehehehe~
I did play some role in this theater...i am Dato' Kasman (Dato' K for short) father of Salina... not a very big role but in theater,everybody that involves play their own BIG ROLE...ehehe... i still dont have the pictures of yesterday's show...i'll upload it once available....
uwahhhhh!!!!heavy eh??? for theater lover, the storyline might be normal but for the newbies,it maybe hard to understand at first...a lot of technical techniques were used during the performance...the musics and the colour of lights indicates the mood of the scene..although there were some misqueue (lights and musics), the technical team (MEDTECH and Nuzul) did a great job not to make it too obvious...credit to them...Hehehehe~
I did play some role in this theater...i am Dato' Kasman (Dato' K for short) father of Salina... not a very big role but in theater,everybody that involves play their own BIG ROLE...ehehe... i still dont have the pictures of yesterday's show...i'll upload it once available....
Monday, April 23, 2007
"dari dewan serbaguna UTP,oleh TRONOH TEATER SHOP, dipersembahkan ASYLUM 50!!!!" *clap,clap,clap*
frankly speaking, ASYLUM 50 is the 1st theater that i watched in UTP. script wise, superb!! very slapstick... credit to Doc Shark for his wisdom to write such script. a script that is very updated with current issues...rise in toll fare, petroleum price, bribery, poverty, corruption among VIPs and authority...the list goes on.
however, in my humble opinion this play should improve more on technical aspects. the audio really need to improve. the queue for the music wasn't right...the lighting also need to improve a lot.maybe today some of the lights were not working for some technical reason (lampu meletup time rehearsal smlm...uhhh).
well...overall performance tonight was OK...the actors n actress really show their talent... a round of applause to aini, pacel, pot, zul, ucop, khairil, din and everybody that i may forget to mention their names.
and tomorrow all UTPians...be prepared for SASAU!!!!
p/s: picture is courtesy of JAZLIN ERNIDA... tq~
frankly speaking, ASYLUM 50 is the 1st theater that i watched in UTP. script wise, superb!! very slapstick... credit to Doc Shark for his wisdom to write such script. a script that is very updated with current issues...rise in toll fare, petroleum price, bribery, poverty, corruption among VIPs and authority...the list goes on.
however, in my humble opinion this play should improve more on technical aspects. the audio really need to improve. the queue for the music wasn't right...the lighting also need to improve a lot.maybe today some of the lights were not working for some technical reason (lampu meletup time rehearsal smlm...uhhh).
well...overall performance tonight was OK...the actors n actress really show their talent... a round of applause to aini, pacel, pot, zul, ucop, khairil, din and everybody that i may forget to mention their names.
and tomorrow all UTPians...be prepared for SASAU!!!!
p/s: picture is courtesy of JAZLIN ERNIDA... tq~

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Ayah!!
today, 22nd april 2007 is my AYAH 44th birthday..so sad because i cannot go back home because i have a lot of things to settle here in UTP...
i did call him at 12am,during my theater rehearsal...(sempat lagik cilok tuh). my sisters at home did arrange something for him i guess...we give him a shirt for his birthday..i dunno how much it cost (have to ask amy after this).
from what i heard, they went for MAKAN² at THE DEVIL'S CRAB...UWAHHH...bestnya~
i did call him at 12am,during my theater rehearsal...(sempat lagik cilok tuh). my sisters at home did arrange something for him i guess...we give him a shirt for his birthday..i dunno how much it cost (have to ask amy after this).
from what i heard, they went for MAKAN² at THE DEVIL'S CRAB...UWAHHH...bestnya~
1st Post in Blogspot....
not my 1st time blogging bcoz i used to blog in Friendster Blog before...why am i attracted to use Blogspot???maybe bcoz it is fully customizable and more attractive..ahahaha...looking forward to update my blog from time to time...if i have the time of coz...quite busy with a lot of stuffs..
not my 1st time blogging bcoz i used to blog in Friendster Blog before...why am i attracted to use Blogspot???maybe bcoz it is fully customizable and more attractive..ahahaha...looking forward to update my blog from time to time...if i have the time of coz...quite busy with a lot of stuffs..
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